Input needed! Thoughts on "13 Reasons Why"?

13reasonswhyI'm a little late to the game in terms of conversations about the Netflix original show, 13 Reasons Why, but I just finished season 2 a few weeks ago (and only watched season one earlier spring), so it's fresh and I have lots on my mind about the show. I want to do some further deep thinking/diving into the content and the show itself as a cultural artifact. I have such mixed feelings, however, that in preparation for a blog post, I decided it would be really great and interesting to hear other people's thoughts and reactions in order to further process and make sense of it all. If you're interested, please fill out the form below by July 15th![contact-form][contact-field label="Name" type="name" required="1" /][contact-field label="Email" type="email" required="1" /][contact-field label="What are your overall thoughts about the show?" type="textarea" /][contact-field label="What are the most prominent/important themes of the show for you?" type="textarea" /][contact-field label="Who do you think the target audience is? Should you be a certain age to watch? Why or why not?" type="textarea" /][contact-field label="What questions/thoughts were you left with after watching?" type="textarea" /][contact-field label="What, if anything, was missing?" type="textarea" /][contact-field label="Additional thoughts/comments?" type="textarea" /][contact-field label="If I include your feedback, would you like to remain anonymous? " type="select" options="Yes,No" required="1" /][/contact-form]


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