Like so many others today, my heart is heavy.

To be honest, I wasn't thrilled with our choices for president.

Though I was excited about the prospect of our first female president, #iwasonlykindawithher in some respects, but ultimately I knew that with Hillary at least our lives, loves, bodies, civil liberties, and choices wouldn't be in danger.

I'm almost less troubled by Donald Trump as president-elect (almost) than I am about the millions and millions of people in this country who subscribe to his ideologies, or hold even more extreme views, if that makes sense.I'm overwhelmed by the work ahead of us.

I'm overwhelmed thinking about the young people who woke up to an American landscape that fundamentally and irrevocably fractured in the last 12 hours.

I'm overwhelmed by the reality that we're at war with each other in this country; and even more broken thinking about the actions and explanations that will be defended at the expense of rights lost...of lives lost...

If you are grappling with what to say, with how to feel, with what to do, I offer this:If you are sad today, good.

If you are angry, even better. And if you are surprised--if you feel like you've been slapped across the face, blindsided by these results, and are even more overcome by the realization that too many Americans categorically chose Trump to lead our country--that may be the most important reaction of them all.If there was any doubt that racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, and white privilege are not only alive and well but popular enough for a landslide victory in electoral votes, this is our answer.

This is our country. This is our America. If you are surprised, it means your beliefs--what you want to be good and true in this world--have been disrupted. Your bubble of reality has been pin-pricked, perhaps it's burst completely. This morning, a reality outside of your purview, of your wildest imagination, set in. My bubble included. New York City is a bubble that provided me (and so many others) a false sense of security and hope in the last few weeks, especially yesterday. I feel ignorant. Embarrassed. Naive. This country is so much bigger than my little privileged liberal bubble.

If you need to scream or cry or point fingers, do it. Do it today. Continue to be angry and sad in the days to come, but try to channel those emotions into productive thinking and conversations. The time for critical thinking and awareness, for sharpening our media literacy tools, and for rising up in a country where not all lives matter, where we are still not equal, is now.

Today's going to be a long day, but giving up or wallowing in sadness or replaying the unconscionable series of events in the last 24 hours, that ends at midnight. It has to. Because tomorrow, we fight. Tomorrow we become or rejoin or seek out the warriors, the groups and communities that will give us strength and hope and courage as we move forward. As we fight. As we figure out who we are and determine who we want to be.

We have to do better. I have to do better. This is the work, and the work, in so many respects, is just beginning.

Further reading:
What Do We Tell the Children? by Ali Michael, The Huffington Post
This piece is now also cross-posted on The Huffington Post's contributor blog: The Search for Healing and Hope in the Post-Election Wake


Considerations for Digital Literacy/ies in a Climate of "Fake News"


When you're not sure how to enter the conversation (or if you should even be a part of it)...SPOILER ALERT: YOU SHOULD